2021 October EGM
Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting will be held at Weymouth Golf Club, Links Road, Weymouth on Wednesday 27th October 2021 at 7p.m.
- To receive apologies for absence.
- Proposition No 1
Proposed by :- Mr Steve Dewey
Seconded by:- Mr Colin Huckle
Proposal – Amendment to Articles of Association
Restructure & amend the General – Weymouth Golf Club Primary Purpose section 1. Number paragraphs 1-4, update wording and add a new paragraph (5) which is a distribution clause explaining the purpose of the trading subsidiary – Hardy Bar (Weymouth Golf Club) Limited and comply with the current CASC advice & guidelines. Amendments highlighted in bold.
Weymouth Golf Club Primary Purpose
- To provide golf facilities in Weymouth, Dorset. These are to include an 18 hole golf course, practice area, clubhouse (bar & restaurant provided through a trading subsidiary – see paragraph 5 below), green keepers’ sheds, car parking and other necessary facilities in relation to the game of golf.
- Facilities are for the use of Playing and Social Members of the Club and others, as determined from time to time by the Management Board and Members.
- The income and property of the Club, however derived shall be solely used for the upkeep, promotion and improvement of the Club. No part in any form, directly or indirectly, shall be paid to Members of the Club.
- The Management Board shall raise income for the Club from subscriptions, green fees, and other fees or services as they deem fit.
- The sale of food and alcohol within the Clubhouse will be provided through a trading subsidiary – Hardy Bar (Weymouth Golf Club) Limited. The object of the company is to carry on business operating a bar and restaurant to provide services to members and visitors and to procure profits and gains for the purpose of paying them to the Club.
BRS Tee Booking System Propositions
Proposition 2 Option A
Proposed by :- Ms Jo Booth
Seconded by :- Mr Pat Crane
The BRS Tee Booking System at Weymouth Golf Club will during British Summer Time operate a Hybrid System. Members will be able to book tee times from 06:00 – 18:00 every day, the exception being between 08:00 & 09:30 every Tuesday and Thursday when the tee will be closed and the Ball Shute will be in operation. Members will be able to book two weeks in advance, visitors one week in advance. Outside of BST the Tee Booking System will operate between 09:30 & 16:00 as it does now. All future changes to the BRS system will be managed and authorised by the Golf Committee.
Proposition 2 Option B
Proposed by:- Mr Pat George
Seconded by:- Mr John Stevens
The reinstatement of the BRS Booking System for all times from 6am onwards through to 7pm.
Proposition 2 Option C
Default – BRS Tee booking System in its current format, booking tee times from 9.30am to 4.00pm.
Proposition No 3
Proposed by :- Mr John (Russ) Conway
Seconded by :- Mr Frank Martin
Articles of Association
Amendment to Section 6 General Meetings paragraphs 1 – 5 with additional highlighted in bold.
- The Club shall hold a General Meeting in every calendar year as its Annual General Meeting at such time and place as may be determined by the Management Board, and shall specify the meeting as such in the notices calling it, provided that every Annual General Meeting except the first shall be held not more than fifteen months after the holding of the last preceding Annual General Meeting, and that so long as the Club holds its first Annual General Meeting within eighteen months after its incorporation it need not hold it in the year of its incorporation or in the following year.
- All General Meetings, other than Annual General Meetings, shall be called Extraordinary General Meetings. All propositions will be deemed Ordinary and therefore require a Simple Majority to pass.
- The Agenda for any meeting will be displayed on a board in the lobby of the Club, within 24 hours of the AGM/EGM notice being published. Any vacant roles for the Board or Golf committee will have spaces on the Agenda sheet for members to propose and second eligible Golf Club Members for those roles (i.e. Vice-Captain Elect). The Board may propose Members for these roles, however if 2 persons are proposed, an election will take place at the General Meeting.
- Members may propose resolutions at an Annual General Meeting. Any resolution shall be presented to the Club Office at least 14 days prior to the AGM. The proposition will be clear and concise about the subject matter, it shall be named, signed and dated by both the proposer and the seconder of the proposition. The Club President, Captain and Secretary/ Treasurer will review the proposition and discuss the acceptability of the intent, wording and detail of the proposition to ensure it can go forward to the AGM. Discussions with the proposer and seconder will clarify and agree the proposition for acceptance. When a proposal is accepted, within 24 hours, it will be published on the agenda for the AGM/ EGM.
- Any resolution may properly be moved as a written resolution unless (Chap 46, Part 13, Chap2, Section 175 of The Act applies) – a. It would, if passed, be ineffective (whether by reason of inconsistency with an enactment or the Company’s Constitution or otherwise), b. It is defamatory of any person or c. it is frivolous or vexatious.
Proposition No 4
Proposed by;- Mr Dave Morris
Seconded by:- Mr Norman Marsh
It is proposed that the ability of the Internal Societies to advance book a block of tee times before all other Members be withdrawn.