World Handicap System (WHS)
The World Handicap System is expected to launch on 2nd November 2020. It is designed to welcome more players, to make golf easier to understand and to give all golfers a handicap which is portable all around the globe.
Some of the features of the WHS include:
- Social rounds counting towards handicap
- An average-based calculation of a handicap, taken from the best eight out of the last 20 scores and factoring in memory of demonstrated ability for better responsiveness and control.
- A calculation that considers the impact that abnormal course and weather conditions might have on a player’s performance each day.
- Daily handicap revisions, taking account of the course and weather conditions calculation.
You currently have a playing handicap. Under the WHS you will have a Handicap Index.
This will be computed as the average of the best 8 of your last 20 qualifying scores posted since 1st January 2018. If you have not posted 20 qualifying scores since then a method similar to allocating a new handicap will be used.
You are encouraged to submit as many cards as you can, competition or supplementary over either 9 or 18 holes.
It’s a new system, but you can still simply play and enjoy your golf – just the same as always.